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Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance offers an extra layer of liability protection for your business. Once a claim reaches the liability limit on an underlying insurance policy—such as commercial general liability insurance—a commercial umbrella insurance steps in with additional liability protection.

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What is Commercial Umbrella Insurance?

Commercial Umbrella Insurance protects your business from the most expensive liability lawsuits. It can help increase the protection of your already existing coverages, such as General Liability and Commercial Auto.

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How much is Commercial Umbrella Insurance?

The cost of coverage varies by state, the provider, and which coverages are beneath the umbrella policy.

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Do you need Commercial Umbrella Insurance?

If a business owner needs additional limits to meet contractual obligations, or simply have the appropriate limits for their business needs, Commercial Umbrella is an excellent way to obtain higher limits, extend coverage, and have peace of mind.


Commercial Umbrella Insurance helps your business in the following ways:

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Employee injury

When an accident occurs that causes harm to your employee and they decide to take legal action, you will have the cost of hiring a lawyer covered.

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Auto accidents

If someone sues for damages that were caused by your company vehicle, your Umbrella Coverage will protect you from expensive fees.


Third-party property damage and injury

If a non-employee is hurt or has something damaged while they are on your property, you will be covered when it comes to bills or legal fees.

  • Employee discrimination lawsuits

  • Professional errors

  • Damages within the underlying policy limits

What doesn’t Commercial Umbrella Insurance cover?


RaisinBread helps provide you with coverage that can grow with your business.
