
Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners Insurance covers damages to an individual's residence, along with furnishings and other assets in the home.
It also provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or on the property.


What is Homeowners Insurance?

Homeowners insurance protects you from specific events that cause damage to your home, including fire, theft, or a storm, along with your personal property. It also provides liability protection if you or another member of your household are legally responsible for damage or injury to another person occurring on your property.


How much does Homeowners Insurance cost?

The cost of coverage varies by state, the provider, and other factors. Cost of a Homeowners Policy can be tailored to meet your personal needs.


Do I need Homeowners Insurance?

The home you purchase is probably one of the most valuable assets you own. Homeowners Insurance helps protect your investment and your household members. If you have a mortgage, any third party who has a financial interest in your home will require it.


Homeowners Insurance helps you in the following ways:


Provides a financial safety net if the unexpected occurs

If a covered event occurs, you can protect your home and personal property.


Coverage that pays for damage and/or injuries to other people

Homeowners Insurance can also protect you in the event of an injury on your property.


Protection for your home and personal property

Even the most basic homeowners insurance safeguards your property against a variety of potential hazards, including fire, vandalism, severe weather (tornadoes, hurricanes, high winds, hail), and more.

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RaisinBread helps provide you with coverage that can protect you.
